Additional Resources

If you are interested in digging deeper into ODR or Communication Theory you may find these resources helpful.
ODR Books
Katsh, M. E., & Rifkin, J. (2001). Online dispute resolution: Resolving conflicts in cyberspace. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. - Worldcat Link
Rule, C. (2002). Online dispute resolution for business San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. - Worldcat Link
Lodder, A. R., & Zeleznikow, J. (2010). Enhanced dispute resolution through the use of information technology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Worldcat Link
Veenen, J. . (2011). Getting to :-): The potential of online text-based communication to support interest-based dispute resolution. Apeldoorn, Netherlands: Maklu. Worldcat Link
Poblet, M. (2011). Mobile technologies for conflict management: Online dispute resolution, governance, participation. Dordrecht etc.: Springer. Worldcat Link
Abdel, W. M. S., Katsh, M. E., & Rainey, D. (2012). Online dispute resolution: Theory and practice : a treatise on technology and dispute resolution. The Hague: Eleven International Pub. Worldcat Link - Open Access Version Link
Web Resources (housed at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst) - This site has been the central web clearinghouse for this work for years.
Technology Assisted Dispute Resolution Resource Pearltree - this web resource was developed by Bill Warters to help his students track down some of the more interesting ODR projects on the web. This stuff goes quickly out of date, but there is lots there and it is an interesting interface if you haven't seen one before.
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