Activity Suggestion

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Affirmation Song

I LIKE YOU - an affirmation song for young children
This is a song for young children that promotes affirmation of self and others. It is sung to the verse of "Skip to My Lou".

1. I like you; there's no doubt about it.
I like you; there's no doubt about it.
I like you; there's no doubt about it.
You are my good friend.

2. You like me; there's no doubt about it.
You like me; there's no doubt about it.
You like me; there's no doubt about it.
I am your good friend.

3. I like me; there's no doubt about it.
I like me; there's no doubt about it.
I like me; there's no doubt about it.
I am my good friend.

It is important that children choose their partners for the song so that they feel comfortable saying "I like you". In the first verse, as "I like you" is sung, children point to their partners; in all verses on "no doubt about it" they move open hands in the air while shaking heads indicating "no"; on "I am your good friend" partners shake hands. In the second verse, as "you like me" is sung, children point first to their partners and then to themselves. In the last verse, children point to themselves and on "I am my good friend", hug themselves. This song should be used only after children have shared a great deal of self and others-affirmation, which case it can be a moving experience.

Source: Children's Songs for A Friendly Planet

Recommended for calendar by: Priscilla Prutzman -

CRE Calendar Usage: 1st Edition

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